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A Few Dental Nutrition Tips

Hello Patients!!

A patient asked me last week about nutrition. More specifically, does nutrition affect our dental health? Before you run for your cheeseburger for a serving of meat and dairy, there are some foods that work well for your dental health. So, let's run through a few things that help you maintain proper oral health.

1) Water. Maintaining proper hydration is important for many aspects of your health, but drinking water, especially fluoridated water is the best beverage for maintaining your oral health. Fluoride helps make teeth more resistant to acid attacks that can break down tooth structure and cause cavities to occur. Over 75% of the population has access to fluoridated water.

2) Dairy: Milk, and other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt, are low in sugar, which is a good thing for your dental health. Plus, they contain protein and are full of calcium, which can help to strengthen your teeth. So it's perfectly ok to get a little cheezy!!

3)Lean Meat: Phosphorus-rich foods such as meat, poultry, fish, milk, and eggs help to strengthen your teeth and contain valuable protein.

4) Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and veggies are an important part of any balanced diet, and they are also good for your teeth. Since they are high in water and fiber, they help to balance the sugars they contain and help to clean your teeth. Chewing also helps to stimulate saliva production, which washes harmful acids and food.

5) Nuts: Nuts contain protein and minerals important for overall health. In addition, nuts that are low in carbohydrates don’t add to your risk of cavities. Why? Because tooth decay is caused by acid-producing bacteria that are activated by carbs. Another benefit is that chewing nuts stimulates saliva production, which can reduce your risk for tooth decay. It's ok to indulge yourselves, go a little nuts! HA!

As always, it is important to talk with your primary care doctor to ensure that these foods are safe for you and your health.  Hopefully, this helps!

Dr E


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